1st Trimester

XP from April 2013: Oh hey there...

I'm new here :) Just had my first beta draw today and it was 34 at 13 dpo... so I'm cautiously excited to move on. I go again on Friday to see if they are doubling.

I've been around TB for about 3 years; I was CW<3JW and then when the bump changed I had to change my name. I was mainly on TTGP and then 2IF, because it took me about 18 months with unexplained infertility for #2, and I had an early loss last cycle. I have one son, born in March 2010, who is the center of my world. And two furbaby pups.

Anyway, super excited to be here, and I hope I get to stick around!!!!

EDD: 4/13 or 4/17, depending on lmp or O date.

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18 months of timed sex, checking cm, 5 of those months on clomid and progesterone, thousands of OPK, hundreds of HPT, an STP, countless dildo cam u/s and pct later, we have a baby in there! due date 4/18/13
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