1st Trimester

Team Green vs. I HATE surprises >.<

OK - - it?s a long rant? sorry? DH and I are at a disagreement? I absolutely hate surprises? I like being able to plan ahead and even for birthdays/Christmas I always try and peak to find out what I am getting (now I can usually look at the bank statement but DH is catching on and using cash? grumble)? Feel free to bash me for being a party-pooper, but that?s just who I am? I do not like being caught off guard and knowing things ahead put me at ease. DH doesn?t mind surprises. So he wants to join Team Green. He is worried if we find out the gender, that all of the stuff we get for our shower will be gender specific and if we have another child of a different sex, that we won?t be able to re-use it? DUH - - just register for neutral things and return things that people get you that you don?t want/need in hot pink! Also, in doing some "let?s look at the baby clearance section" shopping ? NOTHING IS GENDER NEUTRAL!!! OK? maybe 1 thing each time I go? sure, people will get me a few outfits once we have the baby, but then I will need to rely on my MOM, MIL, Sisters etc. to do all of the shopping plus be stuck sticking my kid in yellow and green for the first 6 months? Also, won?t be able to buy ahead. Again? I like being prepared? We have a room that is blue and orange ? but it is a bit too masculine for a baby girl nursery. DH says "it?s not like she will remember it" but I will? I don?t want to re-paint if we have a boy, but I feel like for a girl there will need to be changes? There are lots of people on DH?s side and he feels the need to remind me of this and everything they said the last time he talked to them about why we shouldn?t find out. Like my MIL "it will give you something extra to push towards during labor"? ummm as if a kid isn?t good enough incentive?! I just feel like I will be able to bond more with the baby ? have our nursery well prepared ? and have a name and outfits all picked out and ready. If we do find out ? I probably won?t tell anyone else, but I don?t want to know If DH doesn?t want to know because if I ruin it for him I?m not sure he?d forgive me L ? Anyone else having this issue???
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