1st Trimester

New :-)

Hi everyone!

 My name is Amanda and I'm new to the board. My husband and I have been trying to conceive since the end of May, but I have long cycles, so it's really only been two cycles. I was expecting my period on Thursday, but my boobs have been really sore. It just felt different from normal. Yesterday, I went out and bought some pregnancy tests. I took the first one when I got home, and it turned positive IMMEDIATELY.

 My husband came home from work, and I didn't tell him until after dinner. Then I said, "I think I might be pregnant." Of course, he's all, "What do you mean, you THINK? What makes you think that?" To which I responded, "I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive."

We have been trying, but I am surprised that it happened so quickly. I took the other test in the box this morning, and it, too, was positive.

I am incredibly excited but also trying to be cautious. It's still VERY early days, and I am terrified of miscarriage. We haven't told anyone yet, and I don't think we will tell anyone for awhile. I'm worried that my friends will guess, however, when I don't drink. I go out for drinks and trivia with a group of colleagues every week, and I ALWAYS have one or two drinks... so they will be suspicious. I just don't want everyone to know, because if I do have a miscarriage, I don't want to have to tell everyone. So I'm a little worried about that.

I almost feel like it's too early to even call the doctor... I haven't even missed my period yet. Can this really be real? I don't FEEL any different! But I will say that when I saw the + on the test, I was overwhelmed. I've wanted it for a long time, but just knowing that there's a life inside of me, starting to grow... and that I'm going to get huge... and that it's going to become a real person, my CHILD, and  I will be giving birth, and be a MOM... it all feels kind of unreal. And I did read that doctors don't generally see you until 8-10 weeks anyway. After I took the test and it was positive, I just thought.... now what? 

 Anyway, I'm excited to join this board and to join all of you in the first trimester! And if you're bored or have some extra time, feel free to check out/vote on my name list:


I made it maybe a month ago, but now it's starting to feel more relevant! Anyway, thanks for welcoming me, and congrats and good luck to everyone! 



Check out my blog!: From Pinot to Parenthood


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