1st Trimester

Little nervous about my lack of pregnancy symptoms...

Hi, Everyone.  I'm new to this board and this is my first post.  I am 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant and have pretty much NO symptoms at all.  Most of the time I'm super thankful and think I'm just lucky this time.....but other times I start to wonder if somethings wrong.

This is my second pregnancy.  My first pregnancy ended at 22 weeks due to pre-term labor caused by an incompetent cervix.  It was so devastating and of course I'm nervous that something will go wrong this time too.  With my first pregnancy I was SOO sick, from just before 7 weeks til 14 weeks - puking multiple times a day and everything, motion sickness, very sensitive to smells, headaches, etc...

My only symptoms that I've had so far are being really tired (which has lessened within the last week) and I'm eating a lot more.  I have my first ultrasound next Wednesday, August 15th and can't wait to see the heartbeat.  Seeing my little bean and knowing everything is healthy will make me feel so much better.

I'll also be getting a McDonald cerclage at 14 weeks and weekly progesterone shots starting at 16 weeks....lots of things coming up!  :]

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