1st Trimester

First Dr. Appointment tomorrow...

And I am extremely nervous.... about everything...  I am hoping everything goes ok.

When I was 16 I had a mc and the situation was horrible... I believe stress had a lot to do with the mc.

 Now that I am pregnant again (at 24) I have a loving boyfriend (who is just as, if not more, excited about the baby than I am), his family is being amazingly supportive (since mine, apart from my little sister, my Dad and my Step-Mum, aren't) I have a good job and the stress levels are WAAAAYYY lower. But I am still nervous...

 It doesn't help that last week, my little sister (the supportive one) had mc her third child, she was almost exactly as far along as I am, turned out she also had an ectopic pregnancy and had to get it removed.

 The thought of my sister going through it and the possibility of me going through it again frightens me sooo bad. I am so anxious and nervous....

 It doesn't help either that apart from sore boobs and the VERY occasional morning sickness that I really don't FEEL pregnant.


Any advice?

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