1st Trimester

Feeling Barfy? Here's What Helps Me!

When it comes to getting sick to my stomach I'm a huge baby.  Throwing up for me is always accompanied by tears and panic for some reason.  So I have tried everything under the sun to try to make myself feel better.  Here is what has helped so far, though there isn't a magic cure all for me.

 -Prescription for Zofran.  <3<3<3 Zofran.  Ask for the disolvable kind and try putting the pill under your tongue.  It makes a big difference for me.

-Sea Bands.  I found them at CVS.  They aren't miracle workers but they do help.  I recommend putting them on as soon as you start feeling queasy.  For me it helps keep the nausea in check.

-Ginger gum.  The makers of Sea Bands also make ginger gum.  It can be found at CVS right next to the Sea Bands (which I needed a pharmacist's help to locate, they can be hard to find).

-Hot water with lemon slices and fresh ginger slices.  The lemon slices also have the added bonus of improving your liver function.  Everything seems to be working harder atm so why not give it a boost?

-Whole Wheat Saltine Crackers.  With the regular saltines I found I just got hungry again really quickly.  And as you probably know, when you have nothing on your stomach, the nausea usually is worse.  The whole wheat saltines helped me more because they are a little more substantial. 

-Ice chips.  Sucking on ice is the closest thing to a cure all I have found.  Turn the A/C off before you do first or sit outside.  I always end up shivering otherwise!

-Peppermints!  Or just a spoonful of sugar.  Sugar coats the stomach and helps the nausea calm down.  Peppermints are more fun to suck on, though.  These little guys saved me at a wedding the other day.  I thought for sure I was going to ruin the ceremony by booking it to the bathroom but sucking on these the whole time made a huge difference!

-Seltzer Water.  It makes my stomach feel full and the bubbles are calming.

-Limonata.  It's a sparkling lemon beverage from Italy.  My husband got me some on a lark because I've become such a fan of lemon to help calm my stomach and it seems to work really well!  I sip it very slowly but in the can it doesn't lose that wonderful carbonation very quickly so I can take as long as I want!

 I hope some of these tips help someone!  I'm always interested in more ways to stave off nausea so feel free to share your own!

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