1st Trimester

Pregnancy Test Negative-Just made 5 Weeks today

Hi Ladies!

Today I believe I turned 5 weeks. Yesterday evening I had taken a pregnancy test, and it came back negative. I did drink lots of water earlier in the day, but I would have thought it would have been OK to test. I also have extreme bloating, and slight cramping, and lower back ache. I am a runner, so I was wondering if that was causing the lower back ache.

Also, I have sudden nipple tingling that comes and goes, as well as sudden breast pain.

My Husband and I experianced a miscarriage before he left for Afghanistan last year. I was wondering if I need to wait a few more days to take it, since today would mark a week since my missed period. I am just a little worried, because last year, it seemed like it took forever to get a positive test, and I miscarried at 8 weeks.

My Husband is active Military, so trying to see a Doctor on post takes time, and not always the easiest.

Any help would be apepricated.

Thanks Ladies!

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