1st Trimester

can't believe how rude people are

the women i work with can be a little b!tchy. or a lot. we work in a high stress environment and it can get very catty about people pulling their weight. two of the women there have no children, want no children, and pretty much get annoyed with coworkers who have kids because "they take too much sick time" and "have doctors appts all the time". still, i get along with everyone for the most part, though i may not actually like them. also, i have known one of those two women since we were about 8 or 9, we played sports together. i told everyone at work a few days ago. i have been having pretty bad morning sickness and we work in such close quarters that i knew there was no way of hiding it for long (same thing happened with my daughter and i was found out early one though i was in a different department).

anyway, i didn't expect people to jump with joy. i wasn't looking for a party and banners. it was more like "in case youre wondering why i keep running to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth, im pregnant lol". some people were excited. most said congrats. even if i dont like someone or i am not happy for someone - if they are happy about something i say "congrats" because its the polite/courteous thing to do. well, when i told the girl i have known since childhood she looked me dead in the eye and just said "oh". and stared at me. even the other woman who doesnt like/want kids said to her "wow." as in "that was rude". then rude girl looked at her and shrugged her shoulders. i was like "ok" and walked away. now that i think about it, based on other coworkers who have been pregnant, they are probably annoyed because it means i will be taking leave. but too freakin bad! 

like i said, i dont need a party and i dont need you to do cartwheels, i dont care if youre happy for me. but still, i thought it was very rude. what do you think? am i out of line for "expecting" a congrats at the very least because its courteous or was she out of like because she couldnt even muster that up?

lesson learned - if i have another child in the future - i will let them figure it out on their own when my bump pops out LOL 

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