1st Trimester

Doctor questions. (re: Nuchal translucency screening/heartbeat)

Sorry, one more post today... I promise it's the last. I don't mean to be one of those people who dominate the board...

Pre-pregnancy I had a different OBGYN than the one I go to now. But when I called to set up my first pre-natal appointment they informed me that that doctor no longer does obstetrics. No biggie, I just switched to a different doctor who I happen to get along with really well.

She's very nice and patient and answers a lot of my questions. But like a lot of people, I forget to ask certain questions while I'm there. Now I'm concerned because I'm almost 11 weeks and she didn't mention anything about nuchal translucency screening and my next appointment won't be until after 14 weeks. Should I call to see if she was going to do it then?

Also, she never tells me what the heartbeat is. The U/S are pretty clear. The first one showed a distinct heartbeat. The second one from this week was fuzzier because the baby was moving around so much. I couldn't distinguish anything in the U/S but trusted her when she said the baby is very well developed (she even moved my EDD up). So what do you think I should do? Call to ask about nuchal translucency testing? Ask what the HB is so I know for reference? I'm a FTM, so I'm kind of lost. Sorry again for all of my questions...

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