1st Trimester

scary but trying to stay positive

well just came back from our 1st appt. It was not the best but we are staying positive. When the Dr. Examined me there was red blood which is really scary, but he said we have a lot of positives bc my pregnancy test they took today came out positive, also I do have breast tenderness . He wanted to take an u/s but the tech was gone for the day so I am going in @ 11 am tom to get an u/s and that will tell us what is going on. He also tried the dopplar  but could not find a heartbeat. The Dr. Told me that I should stay positive though he said it is not normal but that does not mean I am miscarrying  .  He is very optimistic what do ya'll think please be honest and if you have had symptoms like this please let me know thank you all
TTC since June 2012 BFP #1 7/1/2012 EDD 3/4/2013 M/C on 7/18/2012 @ 7w4d baby #2 EDD 7/29/2012 M/C on 12/28/2012@ 9w4d Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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