1st Trimester

Too many vitamins...

Hello out there! 

This is our first pregnancy and of course we want to make sure we are doing everything right. We are in our third month now. Here is my dilemma: I was taking Women's One-A-Day (OAD) prenatal vitamins. The package that I originally purchased came with not only the prenatal vitamins but also DHA vitamins. Those DHA vitamins contained fish oil and would cause an unpleasant taste in my mouth. So, during my very first visit to our OB, I told her that I would like a different DHA pill. She recommended Nexa Select. I have been taking both the Nexa Select and the OAD vitamins. I was just told by the nurse at the doctors office that I was taking too many vitamins, that I just need to take the Nexa Select (which apparently is a prenatal and DHA pill in one) and said it was OK that I had taken both but to only now just take Nexa Select. Has anyone out there taken too many vitamins and told they were OK? I'm kinda freaking out. 


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