1st Trimester

Blood Clot close to the gestational sac... Does anyone else have this too? Stressed!

So I just got back the results of my first ultrasound and I was exactly 6 weeks. My doctor told me that there was a blood clot next to the gestational sac which sometimes can "push the baby out" and cause miscarriage. Now I am FREAKING OUT. My doctors bed side manner is terrible and always was (there is a major lack of doctors accepting new patients in my city so I don't have much choice then to go to her) so I don't know if it was just her being her or to expect the worst. Also, I am not spotting or bleeding or anything.

Also, she said the heart beat was at 113... which is low for 6 weeks.

Ugh! I wish I could just get a time machine and go to the second trimester! 



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