1st Trimester

*Update* 3rd Beta test results

I got my results back yesterday and my Hcg dropped... Doctor told me to expect a loss and to stop taking the progesterone. I'm not sure if I'm in shock or if I am just used to bad results when trying to get pregnant since this will be the second time I have been pregnant with DH and the second time I have miscarried. I really thought this month was our month, but I guess not. Hopefully it was just too soon after my surgery and not that I am still looking at some problems that should have been fixed. Just started spotting brown this morning so hopefully this m/c wont be as horrendous as the last one. Hope everything stay's well for all of you ladies but unfortunately I will be returning to the TTC boards :(. Best of luck and thank you for all the prayers and comfort during this week of waiting!!!
March 2012- Dia.gnosed with severe endometriosis which covered both ovaries May 23, 2012- Laparotomy Surgery to remove Endo, all removed. June 21, 2012- Positive OPK. June 23, 2012- Positive OPK. July 10, 2012- Positive HPT, Beta done that afternoon. July 11, 2012- Beta 13, Progesterone low. July 13, 2012- Beta 18, Progesterone low, prescribed progesterone suppositories. July 16, 2012- Beta tested in the am, Hcg dropped to 12, told to expect a loss. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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