1st Trimester

what irks you more now?

I was pondering this in my (not hot enough) bath about things that get under my skin moreso now than they did before BFP. Is there something that irks you more now that you're pregnant than before you were? (That you've noticed, anyway)

For me, it's DS's daycare, which is also a baby nursery, toddler daycare, pre-school and kindergarden. The facility is large, but only one door to enter. Everything is pretty nice, where they have a fingerprint pad to unlock the door. (also a PITA some mornings when it doesn't want to take) and another to sign your child in and out. Then, the first desk is right there. Can't miss it.

I remember when he started there last year, I asked if they took credit card payments for the bi-weekly tuition, figuring I could set up payment that way to get the reward points on the CC. Unfortunately, no. So, okay, I dropped a check in the box twice a month. But then, I started to notice parents using this card swipe and key pad on the front desk and thought, "WTF? She said no credit card/debit card"

I asked the director again and she told me that's for people with government issued daycare assistance. I don't know where else they'd really put it, or how the system would work otherwise, and NOT that people who require assistance should be embarrassed, but I just really feel for them. Because eventually, someone, like me, is going to ask to pay that way too, and they're going to learn. Then they're going to notice those parents each time they are swiping the card for the tuition every two weeks. I just think that they're in enough of a situation to need that, that they don't really need to be put on public display. I hate the looks that other parents give them... like they can't take care of their children. I don't know. Makes me sad. Gets me irritated. 

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