1st Trimester

Intro and question about nausea/meds

Hi ladies, I've been posting over on the March 2013 board but haven't intro'd here. DH and I are expecting baby #2 in March. DD will two in about 3 weeks (can't believe it!).

I will be 7w tomorrow and I've had a week of extreme nausea. Today I could barely get off the couch, luckily my DH is super involved and loves being with DD! But I'm a SAHM so I'm very worried about this coming week - today was by far the worst. I haven't thrown up at all just nauseous all day, worse in the afternoon/evening. 

I didn't have it this bad with DD so I'm wondering how others deal with this? Has anyone taken Zofran or B6 with success?  I'm at a loss, it's honestly so bad it's incapacitating.

TIA and congrats to everyone!

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