1st Trimester

Pressure to be perfect?

So there are always a bunch of things we'd like to improve about ourselves, maybe our eating habits, exercising, reading more, etc. Now that I'm pregnant, I feel that I have this clock ticking down to become the type of example I want to be for my kids and it's driving me crazy! This is my first so do any of you feel that way too and what do you do about it?

For example I want to:

1) Use less media ( watch less TV, movies, computer, video games etc) because I don't want MY kids glued and transfixed. I want them outside playing or creating something etc

2) Eat healthy. I never really have and it's SO hard because I'm a picky eater and I just don't think we should eat processed foods all the time, and fast food etc.

 3) Exercise regularly; I want to make it a habit of going for walks, riding our bikes together etc.


So I just feel like I have 7 months to get perfect and I don't know where to start or how to comfort myself lol.  

Pregnancy Ticker Owner & Creator of www.GreatestKidsGames.com
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