1st Trimester

Joining you ladies

Hi there!

I got a BFP this morning, so here I am.  

I have a tendency to bump from my phone, so I don't always post often/consistently, but I lurk a lot.  I've been on TB since I got KU with my first in 2010.  DS is now almost 16 months.  My DD is his birthday!  

I like long walks on the beach, sunsets, and eating gelato.  

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
BFP#2 "Pumpkin" 7/14/12 ~ EDD 3/23/13 ~ Natural M/C 8/3/12 @ 7 weeks
BFP#3 "Pineapple" 8/30/12 ~ EDD 5/15/12 ~ Stick, baby, stick! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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