1st Trimester

6 weeks 5 day ultrasound showed sac measuring under 5 weeks


 I had a blighted ovum in December 2011.  We started trying immediately after and didn't get a positive until June 27, 2012, which was the first day of my last period.  My blood was drawn just two days after my BFP and my initial levels were really low HCG 119 an progesterone was. 9.79.  I was immediately put onto progesterone supplements and asked to come back for another blood draw.  I went in for my second blood draw 6 days later and they said my levels had increased appropriately HCG 840 and progesterone 17.45.  They suggested that I still go to get my ultrasound at 6 weeks. Now, my OB did say not to freak if we didn't see anything in the sono because my numbers suggested that I was extremely early. It's hard not to freak when I have the history I do though.  Throghout this attempt to conceive I not only was keep track of my cycles, but taking home ovulation tests.  My 6 week 5 day ultrasound showed a sac measuring "under 5 weeks". They weren't able to provide an accurate date because their "machine only measures 5 weeks and higher.". They want me to come back in to check again in 10 days.   My question is, has anybody who has kept accurate history of their cycles had a successful pregnancy that was at least 2 weeks earlier than they thought?  Trying to look for positives and not my negative Nancy mindset I'm in now. 

BFP ~ 10/27/2011 Blighted Ovum D&C 12/16/2011 BFP ~ 06/26/2012 MMC found 09/02/2012 D&C 09/03/2012. Genetic testing starts 10/15/2012 - Everything is OK with my husband and me!!! :)
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