1st Trimester

Negative Influences

Hi! I'm new here, and found out earlier this week we are pregnant, just over 5 weeks now, so still really early. I have only told a couple of people because of this, and while in general I have gotten very positive responses (and my hubby is through the roof happy) a co-worker that I take all of my breaks with so we can walk is so negative! She focuses on all of the most horrible parts of her pregnancy and delivery, and reminds me that my husband is gone a lot because of work, and that our baby could be fussy, and that I'll essentially be a single mom except on weekends...It's really making an easy job for my hormones, which are already all over the place! I work evenings, and I'm still at work tonight, and I just want to curl up in a ball and cry! Anyone else feel influenced by other people's negativity and how do you deal with it without offending someone you work with? Thanks!
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