1st Trimester

Re: Working or Staying Home?

So what's the verdict ladies - after this LO joins your family, are you planning to SAH, work PT, or work FT? Whatever your decision, what led you to it & do you have any concerns about your choice?

As for me, DH & I have decided that we will wait until after the baby has arrived & we have settled a bit after the birth to make this decision. While my income is very beneficial it is not absolutely critical as we live very simply. If I do decide to work it will most likely be PT, & all grandparents are very close by so between them & DH our LO will probably not require daycare. I've known many women who adamantly made this decision one way or another before the birth & then completely switched afterwards, so we will do what feels right by our family when the time comes. 


 goofyteacher: Let it go - you made your point, the OP apologized, & you proceeded to bully her until she removed her thread. I agree her wording was poor, but it was an innocent mistake.

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