1st Trimester

Beta test even though AF came???

So AF came yesterday, almost certain it's AF. I had the normal cramping and everything. Although is appeared different this time, dark brown now red. (sorry to be graphic) I called my Dr to schedule new round of clomid and when I explained the difference to the nurse she told me that I had to take the beta test. They would not prescribe the clomid without knowing for sure since I said it was different then normal. So I went in for one this afternoon. I had no doubts that it was AF but of course I'm now hoping for a different answer. So I took a hpt to ease my mind and sure enough it was negative. I guess I would like to know if this has ever happened to anyone before and if so were you pregnant or no?Could I have m/c??Any input would be appreciated.Thanks for listening!
IUI #1 BFN, IUI #2 M/C 5 WEEKS, IUI #3 BFN, IUI #4 BFP!! Beta 1: 109 BabyFruit Ticker
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