1st Trimester

Genetic blood testing and sequential screening?

I just went for my first OB visit, but my doctor was out at an emergency C-section.  Her assistant told me I needed to call and schedule genetic testing if I wanted it, because it needs to be done around 10 weeks. 

 I called and asked the doctor what she recommends and basically she just said it's up to me.  

 They offered me a blood test to check for Fragile X, cystic fibrosis, and SMA.  They also offered me sequential screening for neural tube defects and Down's Syndrome.  

 I'm 24, healthy, and don't have a family history of any of these things.  I don't know whether my insurance covers them yet (I have Blue Cross Blue Shield, NC state health plan).  

Did you ladies get these tests done?  I don't want to say no if I need to have them done, but if they're a waste, I'd love to know that too!  Just interested in some advice!  TIA!! 

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