1st Trimester

Bleeding but low betas have doubled...

Ok girls, I am getting more and more confused with my body by the minute! I am not sure if this is the best place to post this so please let me know if you can think of a better board!

I got a BFP on July 4th and took another one a week later that looked lighter to me so I called dr and they had me come in for betas (Wednesday)...result was 29 which is very low for 5 weeks. I started spotting yesterday and bleeding/passing small-med clots today so I figured I'm miscarrying (had one before and this looks similar to me). So today I go for repeat betas and just heard from the doctor and my betas are now 53 (nearly double), she said things could go either way and to come back Monday to see what happens. I still have little to no hope bc of the bleeding but was just curious if anyone has experienced this before? I had pretty well come to terms with another miscarriage and now I'm an emotional wreck all over again!

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