1st Trimester

Went to 2nd ob visit this morning

Hi everyone.

I had my 2nd trip to the obgyn today. They made me pee in a cup to check for urinary infection, took my blood pressure, weighed me then sent me back to the doctor. He found my baby's heartbeat very quickly which was 155. (My mom is betting it's a girl, lol). I HOPE!! When he found the heartbeat my mom and I both cried lol (there will be lots of waterworks through this experience). My ob was so sweet and said "Don't cry, you'll make me cry" and handed me a couple tissues. haha. This experience is miraculous. I feel such true happiness when I see/hear my baby.

As far as me/my body, I've gained 1 lb. and I asked the doctor lots of questions like:

Q: is it normal for me to feel "normal"?  

 A: yes because I am nearing 2nd trimester.

Q: when will I find out gender?

A: appt. after next - 20/21 weeks.

Q: how much coffee can I have?

A: 1-2 cups/day

Q: what can I do for hemorroids?

A: Calex (spelling?) 

 He asked me if I was having dizziness from heat. I told him yes but only when I stand up too fast, not due to heat. 

I mentioned I had some back pain and he said it's normal at this point to feel back/hip pain.

 Overall, it was a great visit (again). I REALLY like my ob. I can tell he is an experienced but still passionate doctor.

I hope this post is encouraging/educational for others who are a little behind me in the process and are curious about checkup appts like I was.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

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