1st Trimester

Back to restricted activity.

wrote on Tuesday that I had a fantastic follow-up appointment with my OB and the size of my SCH had shrunk to less than 1cm.  I had a horrible bleeding episode last night that woke me from my sleep and sure enough, after another ultrasound this morning, my clot is back up to 4cm by 3cm.  I'm not on full-out bed rest, but restricted activity (no lifting my 47 pound 2.5 year old, for example).  I guess that was a short-lived prison break I had for 2 days. 

In all seriousness, this is my 3rd baby.  I've had high-risk complications with each of them.  I'm trying my tubes after this one is born and saying goodbye to this stuff.  I love the end result, don't get me wrong.  Most of the time, I love the anticipation and excitement that comes with being pregnant.  But this complication/worry/rest/insanity?  SO OVER IT.  

Sorry for the vent.  It was a rough day.  
Samuel Gregory-born 2/28/08 at 35w,5d due to severe pre-e and HELLP. 6lbs, 12 oz, 19 inches. Elijah Robert-born 11/23/09 at 38w,5d. 11 pounds, 10 ounces, 21.5 inches. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers <a href="http://s740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/carlyn_mcclelland/Facebook/Cover Photos/?action=view
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