1st Trimester

Need some reassurance...

I'm seven weeks pregnant and have been running a temperature of around 99.7 for 48 hours now.  I am taking Tylenol right now, too.  I am so scared that this is going to damage my developing baby.  Also, while I was doing laundry today, I found that a bunch of my husbands workout clothes was covered in mold.  The clothes are darker in color, so it wasn't until after I had already handled and breathed near them that I realized they were moldy.  I know I sound like a neurotic, hormonal crazy person, but I am freaking out!!!  I feel like my poor baby has no chance of being born healthy.  This is my 3rd baby, so I don't know why I'm so distraught.  I just need some love and reassurance right now.  My husband is not good at these things, so I'm turning to all of you.  Thoughts?????  

 Non-judgemental thoughts only, please. 

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