1st Trimester

Does this make me high risk? (long)

I am going to call - but I love ya'll opinions....

So from the beginning - When I was 6 weeks my midwife sent me to the emergency room since I was having cramping and light bleeding, plus pain in my sides when trying to roll over at night. Plus bleeding after sex. They did an ultrasound and for the baby was in the right spot and even had a heartbeat. However, s/he was measuring smaller then they thought s/he should have - 5 weeks instead of 6. Which moved the due date from Jan 30th to Feb 5th. So all seems ok.

Then I had my normal check up - I asked about the differences in due dates - and she didn't seem concerned about it at all (which maybe just a week is not really a big deal?? I don't know.)  She said that she was going to be sticking with the Jan 30th date.

Yesterday while at work I started bleeding. Alot. It was like I was peeing blood, there was a stream of it and it just kept coming. I had no cramping, but so much blood. I of course freaked out and ran out of work straight to my doctor. They did another ultrasound and, YAY, By some miracle, I am still pregnant!! I thought for sure that I had lost the baby. I have never seen so much blood. The baby is still there with a beating heart, even saw her give alittle wave with her tiny hand (I'm rooting girl by using "she"). Turns out that the placenta is not covering the cervix completly, so I am on bed rest to help stop the bleeding and then taking it super easy for two weeks, and after that I am to not over exert myself since the baby could pretty much fall out if I do anything crazy. And no sex at all.

Does this make me high risk? How long should it take for the placenta to grow big enough to cover the cervix? How is it possible to loose that much blood, but not the baby? Is it bad that she's measuring small? How will I know if I'm in the "safe" zone with out another ultrasound - will I get anouther one to check it out?

I know, I know - I need to cal (and will)l, but I need your opinions and stories and comments, too. Are there any other questions I should ask that I am forgetting? I'm still a little freaked I think.... Oh, and I'm about 11 weeks.... Going by the Jan 30th date.

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