1st Trimester

Doppler at 10 Weeks?

This is my first pregnancy and my husband and I are super excited. Since (thankfully) we have had an uneventful pregnancy thus far (I am 9 weeks tomorrow) I have yet to have an ultrasound or anything (first one is at 12 weeks). I am thankful that in my Dr.'s eyes we have had no need for such a thing before 12 weeks, but I am anxious because I do want some affirmation that there is a little baby growing inside there! (silly, i know)

My question is, my doctor is gong to listen for the baby's heartbeat using doppler at my 10 week appointment. In my reading on the internet (which I really should avoid at this point), some people claim that you an hear a baby's heartbeat on doppler as early as 8 weeks, but some claim you can't hear it until 13-14 weeks. I think if I go at 10 weeks and am not able to hear anything I will be crushed. Any experience with this?

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