1st Trimester

Early signs question - a little long - Tia!

Hey ladies, 

Im not sure where to ask this but since it's about early signs I figured I'd try here.  I stopped taking the pill about two months ago (after 10 years) and started charting.  My chart is still not totally figured out because I was on the pill so lingo instead of giving me one ovulation day it gave me two maybes this month that were two days apart.  So I don't know for sure exactly when that happened but it was either 10 or 11 days ago? Anyways here are my two questions.  On Thursday (I noticed these little bumps around my areola and as the days go on I am getting more and they are becoming more prominent.  Everything I read says you either always have these since puberty or they are a sign of pregnancy.  I never ever had these at all until Thursday.  Saturday however I started bleeding some and also yesterday and a little today.  It's really light ( not close to filling a pad in an entire days time).  I took an at home test Friday and Saturday which were both negative.  I plan on taking another tomorrow. So now the real questions. 

1. These bumps, any other reason I could have developed them out of nowhere? Anyone else just get them randomly? 

2. If you had any implantation bleeding, how long was it and how heavy was it?  Also when? Mine started 8/9 days after ovulation which would be a short lutinal phase? 

Thanks for the information!! Congrats and good luck to eveyone!  

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