1st Trimester

Vitamin B6 and Unisom

I have terrible nausea that last 24/7 and nothing really helps in less I eat all the time. Have heard about Vitamin B6 and Unisom helping. Has anyone used this. If so what was the dose you used and how often did you take it?



Me-29 DH-26 TTC for 16 months 6+ months of "trying on our own" (found out I only ovulate every other month) Clomid with timed intercourse 4 cycles all BFN April 6, 2012 Clomid+IUI #1 BFN (no ultrasound monitoring or trigger) May 3, 2012 Clomid+IUI #2 with HCG trigger shot and two follicles 22mm in size Chemical pregnancy June 19, 2012 Clomid+Timed Intercourse BFP BabyFetus Ticker
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