1st Trimester

I'm so nervous!!! (and intro)... sorry its kinda long

Before I get into the Im extremely nervous part I wanted to share a little about the events that got me here as I am new here. :) My husband and I were told that we could never have children due to my extreme PCOS. We always joked that we would die trying but had come to accept that we couldn't have children. I have extremely irregular cycles due to the PCOS i.e.: one year i had 3 cycles another year I only had one. Anyways a few weeks ago I fell of my boat and injured my hip, being the stubborn person I am I decided not to go to the ER right away instead I waited 3 days and when I could finally take it no more I went in to one of the walk in clinics in my town. When I was going through the list of normal questions, I was asked when my lmp was and if I could be pregnant. With the joking laugh I usually give for this question I answered that I would love to be but I highly doubted it. Both nurses that were checking me in started laughing and told me that they had similar stories and that both found out they were pregnant on emergency visits to the walk in clinic. I should have seen the signs then but I just went back to the exam room and ignored their comments. The dr. decided to do a urine test to check before he x-rayed my hip. Now please imagine my surprise when he came in all flustered (because he couldn't do the x-ray) and started asking all of the are you safe at home, do you want to be pregnant questions. He immediately had me sent up stairs for an ultrasound and blood work. After being toted around the whole place in a gown and wheel chair, ( I hated not being able to walk my self when I am very capable) having both an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound, I made it back down to the original doctor who told me my uterus looked pregnant but it must be either really early or I have cancerous tumor growing somewhere (not to mention my hip ended up being fractured) 

SO now to the scary/nervous part today after 5 blood test (which all showed a significant increase in levels... or normal they say) I have my second ultrasound and for the life of me I am scared to death that it will not be a happy growing baby like I have been praying for but a tumor somewhere. I am a crossing my fingers and praying like crazy.... My family doctor has be calmed down a bit because all of my blood work is normal but I feel like I am on pins and needles today! 

T&P appreciated and good luck and a happy 9 ish months to all of you lovely ladies out there! 

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