1st Trimester

Spotting after Intercourse? = Freaking Out

OK, precurser - kinda long and might be TMI for some people... I am 7w4d (I think... Dr. on Friday said uterus is larger than she expected, scheduled for ultrasound on 7/18)

DH and I have not been "getting busy" because I have been so tired, I think we have only twice since our BFP (I've been really tired). Well, a weekend away and plenty of naps led to a perfect opportunity... so yesterday evening we "got busy."

All was fine and dandy until I went to the bathroom, just a bit of light red in the cleanup - - OK... so... I hear that's normal... well, I spotted for a while after, maybe an hour or so I'm assuming because when I woke up I had more spotting, a bit of red, but mostly brown... what scared me most was a SMALL amount of dark tissue (two little spots)...

So far for the rest of the morning so good, only light brown spotting (VERY minimal) and what I think is just left over from last night... no real bad cramping or anything different than what I'd been experiencing thus far (what I attributed to my uterus stretching)...

I've read a lot of other boards that say this is normal... either because placenta is low, or there is bleeding between placenta and uteran wall... or just because there is more bloodflow and the cervix is sensitive... Regardless - first pregnancy, and I'm freaking out a bit... Anyone else experiencing this??

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