1st Trimester

I need thicker skin (MIL vent)

Ok, I know MIL vents are a dime a dozen on here, but I've got to get it out somewhere and DH is not the person to go to with this. (He knows and acknowledges that his mom is a PITA) 

MIL is a horribly inconsiderate person.  She always has been very selfish and difficult to be around.  I *thought* I was to the point of having thicker skin and just letting things roll off my back but I think with the pregnancy hormones I just can't do it right now.  

Today was DD's 3rd birthday.  My parents sent a card with 3 crisp one dollar bills and of course called and asked her all about her birthday and presents, etc.  MIL hasn't even acknowledged DD today (lives in a different state, but DH called her earlier today).  No questions about her, no talking to her, not even a "tell her I said happy birthday".  I sort of expected this, but I'm still disappointed.  The thing that kills me is that I keep letting myself get disappointed.  I guess I feel like since DD is the ONLY grandchild that she could manage to remember a birthday.  :(  

Fortunately DD doesn't seem to notice or care (she has one Grammy that spoils her the way grandmas should) but I'm just sad for her.  I hate that all MIL thinks about is herself and has no consideration for people around her. (example calling at 11:30 last night and then refusing to talk to DH until 9:30 tonight) I'm just so frustrated with her, but more so with myself for letting this carp keep getting to me.  :(

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