1st Trimester

Need to share my good news !!!

We moved in with my inlaws feb of last year to save money to buy a house.  Their house is a decent size, but tight with four adults and a toddler there. It was me, dh, fil and mil until September, when my crazy sil, who lived on her own, claimed she was having panic attacks and passing out. Anyway, she would up moving in here too..... So the count was up to five adults and toddler.  It was pretty pleasant up until sil's return. Once she came back, all she did was complain about us and how ds makes too much noise, wakes her up, etc. and that we are losers who squander our money.  The squandering comment was hysterical bec this girl, who claimed she couldn't afford her bills, bought a mustang with all the works.  mil and fil always take her side and never back us up, and I have to say that mil is very cruel to dh.

Anyway..,. Let me get to my point.  Once I got my bfp, I knew that it was the perfect excuse to go. Can we afford a house? Nope. So we will go back to renting. Oh well. But we swill be happy and on our own again.  And yesterday, I found the perfect house of us. We aren't telling anyone until we have the keys.  We sign the lease on and I could t be happier'nnnn I feel like a hugeeeeee weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


Oh and excuse the typos.  I write this on my iPad and I'm not so great with touch screen.

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