1st Trimester

I feel like an idiot asking this but...

Okay.  At 9 DPO I started feeling nauseous and tired.  I took a test, BFN.  I have continued to feel nauseous, tired, bloated, I have sore boobs, and I am breaking out.   I have taken two more tests and they have both been BFN.  Today is 11 DPO.

I spoke with my cousin (who is a doctor, family practice/gynecology) and she said my symptoms could be because I am a "low multiplier" meaning my hcG levels don't rise very quickly in the beginning so it's not able to be picked up on a HPT.  I have no idea if this is an accurate statement or not but I was just running everything by her.

BUT...I feel like if I am pregnant enough to be having symptoms then I should be pregnant enough to get a BFP.  It's mostly the nausea that is bugging me.  It feels so much like what I experienced with my first pregnancy.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?  I am not believing that I am pregnant until I get a positive but I feel like I am going nutso over here.


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