1st Trimester

HPT'S as accurate as a doctors test?

Has anyone's doctor advised that 3 hpt's confirm pregnancy and a blood test is not needed? I called the doctors office after 3 positive hpt's ( two faint lines one darker). I was not able to get in this week do to my work schedule and the holiday, my doctor called back personally and told me that with three positive tests there was no need for her to test as they are very accurate. She has set up an ultrasound for 2.5 weeks from now to date my pregnancy and ill see me for my first appt after that. She advised that the two tests were faint because I am most likely only 3 or 4 wks. My periods are irregular am my last period was April 25 and had a negative test June 25. 

I guess I am just concerned because it does not feel real, I have never heard of a doctor not confirming? 

I have also had some brownish spotting since June 25 which I forgot to tell the doctor when we spoke, is this normal ? From what I have read its normal to have this for a couple of days early on but this has been almost 2 weeks. 

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