1st Trimester

He wants to move out of state.....

So my SO has a bestie - he lives in Idaho. Every time they talk, my SO comes back with "I want to move. To Idaho.". I DO NOT WANT TO GO. I know that there are very valid points to going. I do. Like I wouldn't have to work, we could have a nicer house, money wouldn't be such a stresser (it's a HUGE one right now, and I don't see it getting better.) But, my life is here in Oregon, my friends, my parents whom I'm extremely close to, my whole life. I've lived here since I was 5. My SO doesn't have family here,  they are all in California - so he doesn't get the whole thing about leaving my family. I have been to Idaho - my aunts, uncles, grandma, cousins all live there. (Sadly, I am not close/or even to fond of any of them). He says that he is going to ask work to transfer him and he is serious this time. And I think he is. I'm pregnant with #2, and would be devastated if he went with out me (he said he would). I know I would be very unhappy out there. We are not married, we have been together 7 years, and have a "marraige" lifestyle - we did get engaged last year finally, but I don't see the wedding happening due to finances (we want more than the courthouse). 

ANY THOUGHTS?? Do I go and be miserable? We have a daughter,one on the way,  I dont want to break up my family, but I love my life here. And how could he just say "well, I'll probably be going?" Doesn't it matter what I feel, too? Sorry for the ramble and freak out - but I'm  blown away.....

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