1st Trimester

Missing the birth

Hey ladies!

I posted this in the military families board as well, but that board is really quiet. 

So my husband has been out of the Marine Corps for 2 years now. We have a son who is 17 months and are 11 weeks pregnant with our second. Well my husband decided a few weeks ago that he is going to re-enlist this December. Thats all fine with me, I loved the Marine Corps life. I loved being a wife who supported my Marine and held down the fort during deployments, I could navigate 29 Palms like it was the back of my hand. Well I suddenly realized that if my husband goes back in in Dec, our baby is due Jan 24th. And he is going to have to go to training school for his new job in the Marine corps which can sometimes be up to 6 months long. There is a chance that they wont send him until after the baby is born, but there is also the chance that he will miss this birth. When he was in the Marines 2 years ago, I KNEW this was a possibility, but when he got out I was like OK yay! Now time to count on him being here, lets get pregnant again! And then...bam. Now he's going back in and I have to emotionally and mentally prepare for the possibility of having this baby without him there for support. I can do it. I know I can... it's just an added stress I wasn't expecting.

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