1st Trimester

Looks like goodbye for now :(

After a great appt at 6 weeks 2 days with an internal ultrasound where we saw a heartbeat flicker...today at 7 weeks 1 day there was no flicker or indication of a heartbeat, although no cramping, bleeding etc. and the baby was measuring on target.  RE is ready to schedule a D&C when I am ready.  Needless to say not off to a great holiday and DH and I are devastated, but hopefully we will be back here soon.  You ladies are awesome and hope to be back soon.  T&P please...trying to look on the bright side as best we can...but it is just taking a harsh toll.  :(
**TTC since June 2009** April 2011: 50mg Clomid = Elevated level, BFN DH SA = Excellent May 2011: 50mg Clomid = Elevated Prog level, BFN June 2011: 50mg Clomid = Elevated Prog level, BFN July 2011: 50mg Clomid = Low Prog level, BFN August 2011: 100mg Clomid = Elevated Prog level, BFN Sept 2011: 100mg Clomid = Elevated Prog level, BFN HSG = Nothing abnormal/blocked Oct 2011: 100mg Clomid = Elevated Prog level, BFN November 2011: Referred to RE (6 month wait) Nov 2011 - March 2012: unmedicated cycles = BFN April 2012: RE initial visit/baseline tests May 2, 2012: IUI #1: Femara + Ovidrel injection = BFN May 16, 2012: IUI Cycle #2 - Femara = BFP!! (6/12/2012) July 3, 2012: no heartbeat detected 7w2d :( July 6, 2012: Confirmed MMC 6w4d - D&C July 11, 2012 Sept 7, 2012: IUI Cycle #3 - Femara + Ovidrel = Early Miscarriage Sept/Oct 2012: IUI Cycle #4 - Femara = BFN Follow-up with RE Nov 13, 2012 - Follistim, Ganorelex, Ovidrel, IUI (Nov 27, 2012), & Progesterone = BFN Dec 26, 2012 - Follistim, Ganorilex, Ovidrel & IUI = BFP BabyFruit Ticker Began Domestic Adoption Adventure - application accepted Home Study Classes - Oct/Nov 2012 Home Visit Nov 27, 2012 - All Paperwork submitted Homestudy Approved Jan 3, 2013!!! & BFP Days after...what a January!
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