1st Trimester

In shock... (LONG)

 For months, DH & I have been planning to move in with his family semi-temporarily. We are financially independant however DH is a pilot & has been transferred across the country, so we would have to pay rent in 2 expensive cities simultaneously or move super far from everyone we know & he could easily be moved again in a couple months (He flies for American Eagle, as many of you know AMR is mid-bankruptcy. Who knows what will happen?)

Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, when DH & I told both sets of parents that we are expecting our first child (everyone's 1st grandchild). They are completely ecstatic! We were all set to go ahead as planned, we could make room for baby, etc. 

Today, I get a bombshell of a call from DH. His parents have offered to give us their old house. They had to suddenly move a couple years ago when their parents both got terribly injured & needed live-in care, so they still have the house & have been fixing it up to sell. They have offered to give it to us if all we do is pay the taxes & of course utilities, etc. 

I'm in total shock. It is incredibly generous but seems so overwhelmingly huge of a gift, I don't know how we could ever make it up to them. I feel insane for even questioning accepting their offer, it's an amazing opportunity, but it's just so much. What would you do?

FWIW: There is no chance of any malicious intent in this - his parents are just like this. They would give the clothes off their backs to their children.

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