1st Trimester

In week 12 of Pregnancy and in emergency twice in 3 days!! TMI

I am so scared on Wednesday evening I was in bed and experienced a gush of bleeding pinkish seemed like it was very watery... I was admitted in hospital Wednesday evening and was told they were not sure what was going on, and they tried to do an external ultrasound however they could not find the baby.... so I was discharged and sent home with instructions to return to the women?s health clinic for a 4D ultrasound the next morning. As instructed I did so and we got to see a very active little baby yesterday with a strong heart beat of 154 bpm..... It made me so happy and we were advised by the Dr. on call that the baby was fine, however this morning while getting ready for work I had a similar experience again only this time the blood was dark and not nearly as much almost like a rustic colour... so back to Emerg.... I go after several hours there they tell me I maybe having a miscarriage or I may experience bleeding during pregnancy either way I have been sent home to play the waiting game... Is anyone out there experiencing this I really need some guidance on how to feel.. Please keep my baby in your prayers...

Sincerely broken hearted mom to be?..

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