1st Trimester

Traditional Chinese Medicine while Pregnant

I have been doing acupuncture and taking Chinese herbs for more than 7 months now. I just found out I was pregnant (will be 6 weeks prego tomorrow) and stopped taking my herbs. My acupuncturist says they are fine for me to continue taking (I've been taking Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan and Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan) but I still have my concerns. I suffer from moderate anxiety and depression and these herbs REALLY helped me get out of a funk and kept me there for the last few months (something Western medicine was never able to do). I know stress and anxiety is bad for my baby but, I'm not sure which is worse. . . stress/anxiety or the herbs. What do you think? Would you take these herbs while pregnant?

P.S. This is my very first pregnancy and I am super paranoid about doing whatever I can to help it stick.  :)

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