1st Trimester

had my first...

weird pregnancy dream last night.  It's so funny cause I was just telling my mom earlier yesterday how I haven't had any of those dreams yet =p  Anyway, I dreampt that my 17 year old younger sister was 26 weeks pregnant and I was screaming and crying because I didn't know about it and she was bragging that she was much further along than I was =p  Weird thing is that I woke up angry and was literally crying in real life too =p  How bout any of you other ladies?  Any weird and confusing dreams? :]
*married June 18, 2011 to the most wonderful man ever* BFP #1 6/11/12, M/C on 7/11/12 @ 9 weeks 6 days, baby measuring at 6 weeks 2 days. We love you baby v! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers PitaPata Dog tickersPitaPata Dog tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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