1st Trimester

Baby Bump

I'm 5'4" and typically weigh 135 (that stubborn 10 pounds over my goal!). I am not thin, but I am not overly heavy either. I have that awesome spare tire w/a few small rolls on my midsection. I was wondering if I will get that beautiful big, tight tummy later on in my pregnancy? Right now it just looks like I'm putting on more pounds. I have also gained 3-4 pounds which pisses me off because I have been very care about my eating habits, drinking lots of and nothing but water, and I still run 3 miles three times a week.My pants are at the busting point as well. I can wear them, but they are very tight and uncomfortable because of the bloating. At what week does one get that nice big tight tummy and will I even get one with the fat around my midsection?
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