1st Trimester

HCG and pregnancy levels (xpost)

So, last Wednesday I had betas done and they were 28,499. Two days later they were over 38,000 - my doctor is happy with those numbers and said he doesn't expect them to double every 48 hours when they are that high.

My ultrasound on Friday showed me measuring a week behind and just a gestational and yolk sac, and I go back this Friday for a repeat ultrasound (fingers crossed for a fetal pole and heartbeat!).

My concern is that any nausea I have felt has mostly subsided over the weekend, except for a little gagging in the morning that I attribute to my congestion/drainage. My breasts are less tender and sort of deflated. I mentioned it to my doctor at my appointment this morning and he just said that symptoms come and go, which I totally get, my after my previous loss I'm a little on edge.

I haven't been able to find much online, but I'm wondering if symptoms kind of taper off as the HCG levels do. With my son, I had hyperemsis (severe morning sickness) and was in and out of the hospital with dehydration, so even though I know every pregnancy is different, it seems like such a huge difference to be feeling okay at only 6-7 weeks already, especially when I started off with strong symptoms.

Does anyone know (or has anyone heard) anything about symptoms dissipating when levels get so high that they're not rapidly doubling?

Thanks in advance for any info.
Married 8/2007 | Ethan born 6/2009 | BFP 2/2011 - natural m/c at 6w4d | BFP 6/2012 - praying for a sticky baby! Pregnancy Ticker
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