1st Trimester

possible pregnancy symptoms?

Geez you would think after having three kids I would know this...but I can't tell if I am having pregnancy symptoms or if it is all coincidence.

First off, we aren't trying to get pregnant...however if I were pregnant I would be happy.  I had a moment of baby fever (well still do) and started having unprotected sex with my husband CD 14 and CD 15.  He put a condom on to "finish" so the chances of me being pregnant are very unlikely I know, but here are my symptoms anyway.  Let me know what you think.

CD:  14 and 15  sex

CD: 18 - constipation (had with my last pregnancy as a first sign)

CD 19- acid reflux almost daily/nightly since this day (not normal for me)

CD:   21 - periods of dizziness (first sign of my first pregnancy)

CD 23- layed on my stomach, felt weird sensation in lower abdomen

CD: 24 (today) woke up with period like cramping and swore it was going to show only to subside.  Very dizzy off/on.  Continuing with acid reflux.

I am not due until Thursday and my cycles still have not regulated since giving birth last July. Sometimes I have my normal 28 day cycles but the last two were 6 days late and 6 days early so who knows.  Anyway thoughts?

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