1st Trimester

How soon were your symptoms?

4dpo today....

In case you have nothing better to do, I have a couple Qs. For those who felt early symptoms indicating your current pregnancy, did you feel anything as early as 4dpo? All day I've had these super dull, crampy, day before AF types of pains. Yesterday and today I've felt very tired and hungry and today a little sick to my stomach. Maybe thats because i just ate 6 freezepops, dont judge. I can't even imagine that I would feel ANYthing pg hormonal related at 3 dpo though. At least at 4 it could be implantation. I'm also kinda crabby today but it's mostly because I'm sick of myself for not being able to wait and just let my body do what it needs to do! I can't stop looking into everything. Has anyone else felt these things?

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