1st Trimester

SequentialScreen----I'm freaking out!!!

Hi, I am 10 weeks pregnant and last week I had by fist OB appointment. My OB went over a lot of information with us and one that stuck and that is freaking me out is the SequentialScreen. Both my boyfriend and I are really healthy with no family history of any genetic disorders. My doctor though stated that it would be a good idea to still do the screening and explained how everything will go. I?m not afraid of doing the initial test but about getting the results, due to that the pamphlet she gave us says that there are a lot of "false" positive results and that freak me out.... What is we have a false positive and they have to move on to further testing??? I don?t want to risk the chance of losing my baby but at the same time I won?t to know any issues my baby may have...... I don't know what to do!

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