1st Trimester

Will high HCG rule out an etopic?! Freaking out!

I found out I was pregnant 5 days before my missed period with a faint positive.  Tested 2 days later and the line was darker.  Tested on the day OF my missed period and the line was very dark.  So that being said, I know my hormone levels ARE increasing.


However for the past couple of days I've gotten this crampy, nasty feeling in my stomach. Under my rib cage all the way down to my pevlic area like I ate something bad.

 Then today pelvic area and BACK started hurting, it feels almost sore....hard to explain.

 TMI, but I went to the bathroom thinking that was it and it wasnt that, I noticed some gas and my rectum hurt a bit (like pressure, SORRY TMI again lol).


I'm worried it could be an etopic but Ive had no bleeding.  I dont know if these are normal pregnancy symptoms or if something is wrong.  But my increasing hormone levels make me believe that could possibly RULE OUT an etopic?


Thanks for all your help ladies! 

Love, Amanda

expecting our little miracle in February

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