1st Trimester

A jealous sister.

My sister and her husband have just come to terms with the fact that they will probably have to go through fertility treatments to get pregnant...With that in mind, I was very nervous to tell my sister that I am pregnant. When I got my BFP last December (that pregnancy ended with a MC in January), I told everyone on Christmas...My sister and brother-in-law just sat there looking angry. Sister wouldn't talk to me for a week, and when she finally did, she said that she was sorry and that she was happy for me, but that it sucked that it wasn't them.

When I called her today and told her that I was pregnant again, first she said, "Well. Hopefully, right?" and then eventually had to get off of the phone because she was crying so much.

Am I justified in feeling so hurt? I feel I should be able to tell my family, especially my sister without having to feel guilty...

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